What We Believe

Our Purpose and Mission


Knowing God starts with a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our love and knowledge of God grows as we gather in worship and respond in obedience to God’s Word. “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” — John 17:3


We desire to encourage every member to become a committed follower of Jesus Christ. We grow together as we study God’s Word in our weekly services, Growth Groups, and Discipleship classes. “But grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ..” 2 Peter 3:18


God has gifted every believer for the work of the ministry. We desire to help members identify and develop their God given gifts in order to serve others in the church and share the Gospel with the world. “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” — Galatians 5:13

Our Beliefs


We believe the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be the inspired Word of God. The Scriptures are inerrant, infallible and God-breathed, and therefore are the final authority of faith and practice. The sixty-six books of the Old and New Testament are the complete and divine revelation of God to man. The Masoretic Text of the Old Testament and the Received Text of the New Testament (Textus Receptus) are those texts of the original languages we accept and use. We use the King James Version of the Bible exclusively at Harmony Baptist Church.

2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20,21; 2 Timothy 1:13; Psalm 119:105, 160, 12:6; Proverbs 30:5


We believe in one Triune God, eternally existing in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – each co-equal, in power and glory.

Genesis 1:1, 26, 27, 3:22; Psalm 90:2; Matthew 28:19; 1 Peter 1:2; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Deut. 6:4; John 14:10, 26


We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God, became flesh, being born of a virgin, in order that He might redeem mankind. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished our redemption through his death on the cross and shedding of his blood. His sacrificial death paid the sin debt for all mankind who will come to him with a humble heart, repenting of their sin and putting their faith and trust in Him. We believe in our Lord’s literal and physical resurrection from the dead and that He ascended back to heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us.

Isa. 7:14; 9:6; Luke 1:35; John 1:1-2, 14; 2 Cor. 5:19-21; Gal. 4:4-5; Phil. 2:5-8 Acts 2:18-36; Rom. 3:24-25; 1 Pet. 2:24; Eph. 1:7; 1 Peter 1:3-5 Acts 1:9-10; Heb. 9:24; 7:25; Rom. 8:34; 1 John 2:1-2


We believe that the Holy Spirit indwells the believer at the moment of salvation and seals him unto the day of redemption. We believe that the Holy Spirit empowers us and enables us to lead a victorious Christian life as we yield ourselves to the will of God. We believe that it is possible to grieve and even quench the Holy Spirit in our lives by harboring unconfessed sin and living contrary to the teaching of God’s word and that it is the responsibility of every believer to maintain a right relationship with God that we may be filled with (controlled by) the Holy Spirit.

2 Corinthians 3:17; John 16:7-13, 14:16, 17; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 2:12, 3:16; Ephesians 1:13; Galatians 5:25


We are an independent Baptist church. We believe that God works through the local church to accomplish His work in this world; therefore, it is the responsibility of the church to carry out the Great Commission. We also believe it is the responsibility of the local church to carry out the ordinances of water baptism (immersion only) and the Lord’s supper, neither of which play any role in our salvation. We believe in the autonomy of the local church making us free to worship as the Holy Spirit leads without any external interference. We believe the Scriptures clearly teach the giving of tithes and offerings and by those means the local church and its ministries are funded.

Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 2:41-42, 18:18; I Corinthians 11:23-26; Acts 14:27; 20:17, 28-32; I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 1:5-11


We believe in the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ and rapture of the believers prior to the tribulation period. We believe that the seven year tribulation period will be followed by Jesus Christ returning bodily with His Saints to set up a one thousand year reign on earth.

Ps. 89:3-4; Dan. 2:31-45; Zech. 14:4-11; 1Thess. 1:10, 4:13-18; Titus 2:13; Rev. 3:10; 19:11-16, 20:1-6


People were created to live forever We believe that a home in heaven awaits those who have trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. When a believer  departs from this world, he will be with the Lord. We believe in a literal burning Hell and that all of lost mankind shall experience the judgement of God for eternity being tormented in the flames.

John 3:16; John 14:17; Romans 6:23; Romans 8: 17-18; Revelation 20:15; 1 Cor. 2:7-9

This statement of faith is not inclusive of all that we believe but it is the foundation upon which we stand.