Will you be our guest this Sunday?

This Sunday @ 11am

First time at Harmony?

We understand that visiting a new church can be intimidating. We want your first visit to be smooth and stress free!

Plan your visit now and we will:

Reserve a parking spot for you.

Introduce you to new people.

Introduce you to your children’s teacher.

Give you a tour of the church

Save you a seat in church.

What to Expect

We are located in the heart of Camden County and about a five minute drive from Elizabeth City. We would love for you to be our guest! As you arrive, you will be warmly welcomed by smiling faces. Our greeters will direct you to the proper place and kindly answer any questions that you may have. We are located near the high school in Camden. What are your services like?

We seek to honor the Lord Jesus Christ in everything that we do. During our 10am Sunday School hour, you can enjoy an applicable Bible lesson, meet new people, and enjoy a great cup of coffee. Our 11am worship service is the main event! We seek to honor Jesus Christ with uplifting and inspiring music without pursuing a "secular feel". The music is followed by Bible preaching that will lift up Christ while being applicable to your everyday life.  The worship service is usually a little more than an hour long. Our Sunday evening service starts at 6pm. It is a time of singing, testimony and preaching. The evening service is not a repeat of the morning service.

Connect with us!

As a guest, we want to encourage you to fill out the connection card with as much information as you are comfortable including. If you take the connection card to the "Connect Table” after it is filled out, we will give you a small gift and our pastor will mail you a gift card to a local coffee shop as a way of saying "thanks" for being our guest!


We are located next to the Hungry Panda and Itza Boutza Pizza on Plank Bridge Road. Our parking attendants will be ready to direct you to the best space! Feel free to arrive a few minutes early to grab a cup of coffee at the welcome table before the worship service starts.


It’s vitally important that we invest in the next generation! HBC puts great effort in teaching the Word of God to children in an engaging and relevant way.

✔ Sunday School | Sunday @ 10:00AM

  • In our Sunday School classes, we help young people develop a Biblical worldview. It’s our desire that children grow up with Biblical convictions that will guide them through life.

✔ Junior Church | Sunday @ 11:00AM

  • Currently, children start the worship service in the auditorium with their parents and are dismissed to Junior Church right before the Bible message. This allows them to be involved in the congregational singing and worship. Kids will hear a Bible lesson that is taught in an engaging and relevant way. We hope to introduce children to a relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

✔ Kids 4 Truth | Wednesdays at 7:00PM

  • Kids 4 Truth is a program that takes children beyond salvation by discipling them and developing them in their Christian walk. Every Wednesday, kids are able to memorize Scripture as well as statements of our faith. This helps them to be able to know what they believe and why they believe it!


We believe that worship is a heart response to the greatness of God. We desire to honor and praise God through singing, praying, and responding to His Word. Our Sunday morning worship gathering starts at 11am usually lasts for around 75 minutes.


We’re excited to meet you! We believe in the importance of hospitality and encourage friendship at Harmony. Come early or stay after to service to meet the Pastor and connect with others. Join one of our weekly Bible studies on Wednesdays at 7:00, to grow with others in the Word of God.